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Wang, G. L. & Eltahir, E. A. B.. 1999. Use of ENSO information in medium- and long-range forecasting of the Nile floods. Journal of Climate. 12       Google Scholar    1999-Wang-Eltahir.pdf

Wang, G. L. & Eltahir, E. A. B.. 1999. Use of ENSO information in medium- and long-range forecasting of the Nile floods (vol 12, pg 1726, 1999)--CORRECTION. Journal of Climate. 12       Google Scholar    Use-of-ENSO-information-in-medium-and-long-range-CORRECTION.pdf

Hildebrandt, A., Eltahir, E. A. B.. 2008. Using a Horizontal Precipitation Model to Investigate the Role of Turbulent Cloud Deposition in Survival of a seasonal Cloud Forest in Dhofar. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES. 113       Google Scholar    2008-Hildebrandt-Eltahir.pdf


Gonzalez, R., Ouarda, T. B. M. J., Marpu, P. R., Allam, M. M., Eltahir, E. A. B., & Pearson, S.. 2016. Water Budget Analysis in Arid Regions, Application to the United Arab Emirates. Water. 8 (9)       Google Scholar    water-08-00415.pdf

Allam, M. M. & Eltahir, E. A. B.. 2019. Water-Energy-Food Nexus Sustainability in the Upper Blue Nile (UBN) Basin. Front. Environ. Sci..       Google Scholar    Frontiers.pdf

Tuel, A. & Eltahir, E. A. B.. 2020. Why Is the Mediterranean a Climate Change Hot Spot?. Journal of Climate. 33 (14)       Google Scholar    2020_JCLI_Mediterranean_Hotspot.pdf

Endo, N. & Eltahir, E. A. B.. 2019. Wind: a neglected factor in the spread of infectious diseases. The Lancet. 2 (11)       Google Scholar   

Endo, N., & Eltahir, E.A.B.. 2018. Wind: a neglected factor in the spread of infectious diseases. The Lancet.       Google Scholar    Endo2018_2.pdf

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