Noriko Endo

Postdoctoral Researcher

Since joining the Eltahir Research Group in Fall 2011, I’ve been working on the Hydrology and Malaria Environmental Control in Ethiopia project.

My research focus is how local hydrology and entomology are influenced by a reservoir system nearby, and how those are connected to malaria transmission. My current work is to simulate the hydrology and the population dynamics of Anopheles mosquitoes around the Koka Reservoir in Ethiopia, using the HYDREMATS model. We have field sites around the Koka Reservoir, Ethiopia, and I’ve conducted field surveys there three times starting from 2012.

I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Tokyo in March 2011. My Bachelor’s thesis was about how technology can only be applied to solve a problem in society by considering the level of public acceptance, any political difficulties and other non-technical issues. A solution cannot be achieved by simply introducing state-of-the-art technologies. This kind of understanding should be important for malaria prevention efforts and for my further research.

Graduation Year:
